Guthrie Robert Packer Hospital
My name is Renato Bobadilla Leon and I am a medical doctor working as Hospitalist in Guthrie Robert Packer Hospital in Sayre, Pennsylvania. I was born and raised in Trujillo, Peru. I studied in Universidad Nacional de Trujillo School of Medicine - Peru. I had clinical rotations in Chapel Hill at University of North Carolina Hospitals and also in Miami, at Jackson Memorial Hospital and University of Miami Hospital. After I graduated in 2015, I worked as a coinvestigator in a clinical research site in Peru for the HIV Prevention Trials Network. I moved to New York City and did my Internal medicine residency in Saint Barnabas Hospital in the Bronx. Since June 2021, I have been working as hospitalist in Guthrie Robert Packer Hospital and teaching medical residents and medical students from Geisinger Commonwealth School of Medicine.