PhD student
OsloMet, Norway
Ida H. Sandbekken has a Bachelor's and Master's degree in nursing and is now a Ph. D-student at Oslo Metropolitan University in Norway. Her Ph. D-project is titled: Hand Hygiene, infection prevention, and antibiotic use in nursing homes. She has clinical experience in nursing homes, surgical bedsides, and emergency departments in both hospitals and municipalities. She has worked with education and supervision of both first- and final-year bachelor's degree nursing students and was a subject leader in "Anatomy, Physiology and Biochemistry" and "Microbiology and Infection Control" before starting her Ph.D. She is a member of the research group Quality of Life and has researched students, sleep, education, and COVID-19. Throughout the pandemic, she in collaboration with college Borghild Løyland prepared infection prevention courses for Oslo municipality, Norwegian hairdressers and wellness companies, and student and employee courses for OsloMet.