Providence VAMC
Dr. McConeghy grew up in Providence, Rhode Island. He attended the University of Rhode Island and graduated with a doctorate in pharmacy. After school, he was trained over several years in advanced clinical pharmacy training in acute inpatient and critical care settings. During this time his interests shifted from clinical practice to research and he chose to purse a combined research fellowship and master’s from the University of Illinois at Chicago. These experiences led him to increasingly more complex observational research analyses. He began working as a researcher at the Providence VA Medical Center in 2015. While there, he worked colloboratively with geriatricians, epidemiologists and statisticians to develop a research program which included pragmatic nursing home trials focused on vaccine effectiveness. He recieved a doctoral degree in health services research at the Brown University School of Public Health in 2023. His dissertation and subsequent work has focues on a variety of safety and effectiveness questions with vaccines and medications employing advanced causal inference methods.