Assistant Professor
University of Florida
Amy Vittor, MD PHD, serves as an Assistant Professor in the Division of Infectious Diseases and Global Medicine at the University of Florida and at the North Florida/South Georgia Veterans Health System. Dr. Vittor’s research focuses on the nexus between vector-borne disease, land use and host immunity. Her studies include linking deforestation to malaria in the Peruvian Amazon, dengue epidemiology and climate studies in Kenya with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Nairobi as a Fogarty International Clinical and Research Fellow, and with the Rockefeller Foundation in Vietnam. Over the past decade, Dr. Vittor has collaborated with the Gorgas Memorial Institute in Panama, investigating the novel Madariaga virus and other alphaviruses in the Darien region. Together with the Gorgas team, she has been defining the roles that land use change and host susceptibility play in alphaviral transmission, along with characterizing long-term sequelae of alphaviral infections.