065. Virology: Treatment and Prevention of Viral Infections: Thursday, 12:15 - 1:30 p.m.
Poster Session: Virology: Treatment and Prevention of Viral Infections
Ronghui Liang, Phd student
Phd student
The University of Hong Kong
HONG KONG, Hong Kong
Shuofeng Yuan, PhD (he/him/his)
Assistant Professor
The University of Hong Kong
Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Ziwei Ye, PhD
The University of Hong Kong
HONG KONG, Hong Kong
Jasper FW Chan, MBBS(HK), MD(HK), MRCP(UK), FRCPath, FRCP(Edin), FRCP (Glasg), FHKCPath, FHKAM(Pathology), FIDSA (he/him/his)
Clinical Associate Professor
The University of Hong Kong
Hong Kong, Hong Kong