Universidad Peruana Union, Peru
I am a Peruvian medical doctor, and specialist in Infectious Diseases and Tropical Medicine. In July 2012, I was appointed by the Peruvian HIV National Program to update HIV National Guideline and for coordinating and monitoring Peruvian HIV health policies. In addition, I was a member of the team of consultants who drew up Peruvian Guidelines for the treatment of TB / HIV coinfection.
I was a clinical investigator at Asociacion Civil Impacta Salud y Educacion (IMPACTA) for four years and I participate in clinical trials and observational studies from HIV research networks such as ACTG, HVTN, INSIGHT, and MTN. Also, I was Investigator of Record of ACTG studies such as “Reducing Early Mortality and Early Morbidity by Empiric Tuberculosis Treatment Regimens (REMEMBER)” (A5274), “Management Using the Latest Technologies in Resource-limited Settings to Optimize Combination Therapy After Viral Failure (MULTI-OCTAVE)” (A5288), and “Rifampin-Based vs. Rifabutin-Based TB Treatment in HIV (A5290)”. Likewise, I was Investigator of Record of NIH-funded R01 “HIV Testing and Treatment to Prevent Onward HIV Transmission among High-Risk MSM” at Via Libre site, and ACTG study. Also, I was conducting multicenter observational studies in Antimicrobial Stewardship as “Project for the Implementation and Evaluation of Antimicrobial Stewardship at Institutional Level in Adult Intensive Care Units of Latin America” (PROA-LATAM) in collaboration with University of Michigan and “Point Prevalence Survey on the Use of Antibiotics in Hospitals” in collaboration with Pan-American Health Organization and Minister of Health of Peru. Currently, I am also a clinical instructor for The Gorgas Course in Clinical Tropical Medicine and professor at the Universidad Peruana Union and the Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia.