Pediatrics Infectious Diseases
Clinica Infantil Colsubsidio, Hospital Universitario Mayor Mederi, Colombia
Juan Pablo Londoño Ruiz, Pediatrics Infectious Diseases from El Bosque University, Master in Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection from the Rey Juan Carlos University of Spain, Pediatrician from Universidad del Rosario, Physician and Microbiologist from Universidad de los Andes. Undergraduate professor at the Universidad del Rosario and postgraduate at the Universidad de los Andes. With experience in antibiotic control programs in pediatrics and with research in this area. He conducted research studies in Phagotherapy against uropathogenic E. coli at the Universidad de los Andes and studies on intestinal microbiota at Cornell University. He is currently a member of the Board of Directors of the Colombian Society of Pediatrics in Bogotá and an active member of the Colombian Association of Infectious Diseases.